Saturday, September 3, 2016

TOPIC #11 Bees Knees

Bees Knees

They are curious creatures, yes they are.
I’ve been told they can fly very far.

I believe that they make honey,
But I’ve never seen a bee with money.

They would need something to hold it tight,
And pants with pockets so it would fit just right.

Then… soaring through the air, they’d fly with ease.
All would go well, until they SNEEZE!

They would then twirl around and be UP…SIDE… DOWN!
When bees have that happen, they always show a big frown.

But if you look closely, and study for a while,
You will notice that their UP-SIDE-DOWN-FROWN is showing a SMILE!

So along they go, up-side-down on their way.
You would think it would be such a difficult day…

To spend your time flying, six feet in the air;
But bees have a way to do it, with energy to spare.

As you consider their approach to this up-side-down-state,
You will certainly agree that the answer is first rate.

Stop what you are doing and run along with your bees.
Keep a close watch on their movements, and a closer eye… on all the bee’s knees.

It is an old secret from past times of yore.
Bee’s knees hold some magic you will want to explore.

You need to do it quietly, and be patient and sure…
To pay close attention, with motives that are steady and pure.

For people of science have determined once and for all…
That bees… cannot… fly… after taking off, they should fall…

Right out of the air, so fast you would stare.
They should land on the ground, seeing them flying should be rare.

Their bodies are too big, their wings so small.
Their flight power so tiny, they should a l w a y s stall…

And fall on the ground and walk to each flower.
Instead of a minute, it would take them an hour…

To gather the pollen and return to the hive.
Scientists are surprised at how bees stay alive!

So as you watch with your friends, all your bees,
You will discover the answer, which is

Be careful as you observe, don’t rush them around.
Just know that in Bees Knees, the answer is found.

It has as much to do with determination as skill.
It is powered by passion, choosing the right and the will…

To proceed to your goal, a good attitude flowing,
And keep at it… stick to it. Prepare and keep going!

Fly in a good path, be sure not to sneeze,
And you will have the power of… all… six… of… each…
bee’s… knees.

TOPIC assigned by WILL

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