Thursday, September 8, 2016

TOPIC #13 Z..I..P..P..E..R


My ZIPPER broke the other day.

It would not move...either... way.

It would not go up or down.
This problem surely made me frown!

I had not planned to start my day
With a ZIPPER that wanted to stay…

In one place and refuse to move;
Its mind made up… its strength to prove.

I just stood there looking down,
Wondering if I’d be the talk-of-the-town…

Stuck all day with reason to pout,
Not able to go play… run… and shout.

I thought I WAS DONE… and wanted to cry.
I just stood in my room, and then Grandma walked by.

She looked in the door, and saw me stand there;
She came in, sat down, and started brushing my hair.

She told me I was pretty and looked straight into my eyes.
She said she could fix it…. What a BIG SURPRISE!

She looked at the problem down below.
She studied it carefully. I knew… she’d… know.

My Grandma has been around for a very long time,
And she has fixed stuff… and solved many-a-crime.

I think she is my dad’s mom, and I am very sure
She helped him a lot, gave him a cure…

For his many bumps and bruises he had along the way
And let him solve his mistakes… which got-him to today.

I was looking out the window where I wanted to go and run;
Grandma stood up, kissed me and said “We are all done!”

I stared in amazement, in wonder and awe.
My ZIPPER was working! She’d fixed its BIG FLAW!

I shouted for joy, I gave a big squeeze
Which was so strong, it made Grandma sneeze…

As she wiped a tear which formed in her eye.
I dashed out the door. I thought I could fly!

So… if you have a problem to solve…
You are really stuck and need it resolved…

You can call my dad’s mom, and not worry one bit.
The nick-name we gave her is “Grandma-Fix-It”.

She will run right over and will knock on your door,
Ask “What’s your worry?, What is the chore…

That has you so worried this day?
How can I help you find the right way…

Use the right tool, seek the right tricks?…
We’ll focus on your dilemma. We’ll find the right fix”.

My Grandma is always running around.
She has skills which surely abound.


When you are done with her, please send her my way…

Because I like it when…

Grandma and I...

We… can… just…play.

This poem was caused by a broken zipper in Grandpa’s favorite pants.

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