Thursday, November 3, 2016

TOPIC #29 Ice Cream In The Summer

Ice Cream In The Summer

Ice cream in the summer is supposed
To be a treat.
Then why does it melt, run down and
Drip all over my feet?

Our dog down there likes to lick it up…
My Mom said “You are such a mess!”
So I ran right out the DOOR!

I found myself outside
Standing next to our tree.
I heard a buzzing sound…
OH NO!!! Here comes a bee!

I dashed over to the swing set
And sat there on the swing
And tried to lick my ice cream
Which had become a sloppy thing…

With more on my hand than in the cone
Which was almost empty and looking so alone.
I licked off as much of the mess as I could.
I made a plan and decided I would…

Wash off with the hose; get it all clean.
I’d do so well, no mess would be seen.
So I ran to the hose, turned the water FULL ON,
Washed all the ice cream, then watered the lawn.

I felt the cool water as it splashed on my feet.
I sprayed it all over, it felt so very neat
To point the hose straight up in the air.
It flew high in the sky, then rained in my hair.

I don’t really know how long
I was out there to play
But it sure was refreshing…
On that hot summer day.

1 comment:

  1. This is super cute and brings great summer memories to my mind. Love you!
