I reached for the door knob one crisp winter day
and was ZAPPED by a bolt that knocked me away!
The pain in my hand was caused by some light!
It gave me some fear, it gave me some fright!
I pondered, I wondered “What could it be?”
“What was this power that chose to ZAP me?”
I reached out again in trembling fear.
I moved my elbow close… ‘till it was very near.
The door knob which was the cause of my pain…
Just sat there doing nothing… it boggled my brain!
Just then my big brother came walking right by.
I told him what happened; asked him to try.
He lowered his head, approached with his ear
ZAP! went the door knob. I gave a BIG CHEER!
He did…not…jump…back. He was still for a while.
I thought he had died! … ‘till he gave a big smile.
He chuckled and stood, with a glint in his eye.
I hoped that my brother would tell me the “BIG WHY?”
Of this mystery that happened right there in the hall.
He is smart and he’ll know. He will tell me it…all .
My brother marched into the kitchen and there
He told me “THE SECRET” that would make anyone STARE…
At the truth of what happened, the facts, and then…
He said I couldn’t ever write them down with a pen…
On paper so others could see…
The secret that old scientists call E…LEC…TRI…CI…TY.
"Don’t tell mom" he said “She’ll be afraid”.
"Don’t even tell your friends of…the… SECOND… GRADE”.
“Your teacher may know… You cannot be sure”,
“But they can’t tell either”… “THIS…KNOWLEDGE…IS…PURE”
“If you sit down here carefully, I will tell you about the”...
“J O L T S”
“The door knob was shooting something called"…
“V O L T S”
“VOLTS come in a package of tiny and small”
“Which are never… seen… at… all”…
“Until they are launched by a gun named”
“It’s then that they fly… Please don’t tell gramps”.
"The light that you saw, we call that a"
"But when shot with big AMPS, we call it an”
"So now you know what caused you to fear.
I have told you the secret…but be
"Not to tell anyone, not even your friends…
Because if they miss-use it… They will
Topic #9 assigned by Ethan
also would be fun little kids book. :)