Thursday, December 1, 2016

Topic #40 The Man From Zanzabar

I am the blue-bearded man from Zanzabar.
I ride a donkey and don't have a car.

My wife wears pink and likes to rollerblade.
She zooms really fast and is never afraid.

My donkey moves   r e a l.... s l o w  and her name is Daisy.
People see her plod... and then call me lazy!

But Daisy and I have been friends for many a year.
We've raced many races, and we saw people cheer!

It did not matter that we were not very fast.
We started with great hopes, but always finished last.

When we crossed the finish line, it felt so very good
Because we stayed in the race... just like we should.

So when you climb out of bed and start YOUR race each day
Just remember Daisy and I...
We'll cheer you on
and in your race